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Poodle Standard puppy breeders for sale near Amawalk, NY New York


Created by crossing the now extinct breed of Barbet and the Hungarian Water Hound hundreds of years ago, the Poodle is yet another breed that has controversy surrounding where it exactly originated. What many people may be surprised to know is that the Poodle was actually used for a gun and hunting dog, to retrieve waterfowl in the water and scent track for truffles! Today, this breed still enjoys the water, but is mainly a much loved companion within the United States.


Standard size poodles are a large breed with males and females measuring an average of 15-17 inches in height and weighing 45-70 pounds in weight. This breed is built tall and lean with 4 very long, thin legs. Their round head is joined by two very large pendant shaped ears hanging along side of their face, with a long muzzle forming into a scissor bite. Their two round eyes are generally smaller in size and available in hazel to black in color. Their tight, curly hair is available in solid black, blue, chocolate, grey, red, apricot, white and tan. Some poodles can be bi-colored and parti colored. This breed has a tail that should be cropped or curled upwards and carried high when relaxed.


Known as one of the most quietest and easiest breeds to train, the Poodle can be a wonderful addition to most families. This breed can be extremely calm while indoors as long as they receive proper physical exercise daily. This breed does well with children he or she grows up around and generally does well with other dogs he or she grows up around. Early socialization and training courses are recommended to ensure a proper foundation within your relationship as your puppy matures for training issues. This breed is known to do well with agility and competition training. This breed requires a calm owner who is firm and uses only positive reinforcement training methods. Please note that this breed needs to feel included within the family and will not do well in a loud and busy home.


This breed requires daily brushing and professional grooming when needed. Please pay close attention to their coat to prevent mats from forming. This breed does not shed.


Please note that this breed is not meant for everyone. The Poodle is prone to skin and food allergies, reactions to certain washes, as well as eye issues, diabetes, cushings and Von Willebrands Disease. Please fully educate yourself about this breed prior to adding one to your family to ensure a life long commitment physically and financially for your new dog. A proper leash and harness or properly fenced in yard is highly recommended for your new addition. All dogs originate from wolves (Canis Lupus). Each breed of dog was originally created by mixing different breeds together in an effort to bring forth certain characteristics. Once a breeder has created acceptable “breed characteristics” within their bloodline and these “breed characteristics” have shown to be reliably reproduced in the offspring for three (3) generations, the bloodline may be upgraded from the category of “foundation stock” to “pure-bred”. The same “pure-bred” breed standards vary from different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders. Dog DNA testing companies can have accurate results for a specific bloodline of a small colony of dogs. However, there are tens of thousands of different bloodlines in the world which have not yet been tested for marker baseline results by Dog DNA testing companies as of 2017. For this reason Dog DNA testing companies do not guarantee the 100% accuracy of their breed lineage results and will also show different marker results for the same pure-bred breed in different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders.

Poodle Standard puppy breeders for sale near Amawalk, NY New York Dog Training

Once you bring your new dog home, it’s smart to begin training immediately. But where should you start? What’s the best way to train a puppy? And how do you train an adult dog?

There are a number of options for training your new pet. Whether you opt to train your puppy or dog yourself, take classes or hire a private trainer, you can implement the following basic training tips right away to make the process easier. 

Top 10 Dog Training Tips

These top 10 tips from professional dog trainers will help get you and your new pal on the right track.

Tip 1: Choose Your Dog's Name Wisely

Part of the fun of bringing home a new puppy or dog is finding the perfect name for them. But did you know certain names are better for training? It helps to consider a short name ending with a strong consonant that they can always hear clearly. A strong ending, like in the names “Jasper,” “Jack” and “Ginger,” perks up puppy ears — especially when you place emphasis at the end.

If your new pet is an older dog, they’re probably used to their name at this point. However, changing it isn’t out of the question. And if your new pal is coming out of an abusive situation, a new name may even represent a fresh start. Dogs are extremely adaptable. If you decide to give them a new name, use it consistently and soon enough your pup will respond to it.

Whatever their name, be sure to associate it with fun, pleasant experiences as much as possible, rather than negative ones. Ideally, your pup should think of their name in the same way they think of other fun stuff like walks or dinnertime.

Tip 2: Decide on the House Rules 

Before your new furry pal comes home, decide what they can and can’t do. Are they allowed on the bed or the furniture? Are parts of the house off limits? Will they have their own chair at your dining table? If the rules are determined early, you can avoid confusion — for both of you.

Tip 3: Set Up a Private Den 

Like humans, dogs need their own space. As early as possible, give your pup their own private sleeping place, such as a crate. Your dog will benefit from short periods left alone in the comfort and safety of their den; it can also be a valuable tool for housetraining. Be sure to reward your puppy or dog if they remain relaxed and quiet in their den. 

Tip 4: Help Your Dog Relax 

When your puppy gets home, give them a warm hot-water bottle and put a ticking clock near their sleeping area. This imitates the heat and heartbeat of litter mates and will soothe your puppy in their new environment.

This tip may be even more important for a new dog that previously lived in a busy, loud shelter, particularly if they’ve had a rough time early in life. Whatever you can do to help your new pet get comfortable in their forever home will be good for both of you.

Tip 5: Reward Good Behavior

Reward your puppy or dog’s good behavior with positive reinforcement. Use toys, love and lots of praise — and don’t forget the treats, such as DENTASTIX™ treats. Let them know when they’re getting it right. Along those same lines, never reward bad behavior, as it’ll only confuse them.

Tip 6: Teach Your Pup to Come When Called

The first command you teach your pet should be to come. Get down on their level and tell your pup to come using their name. When they do, get excited and use lots of positive reinforcement. Next time, try the “come” command when they’re distracted with food or a toy. As your puppy gets older, you’ll continue to see the benefits of perfecting this command.


Tip 7: Train on "Dog Time"

Puppies and dogs live in the moment — two minutes after they’ve done something, they’ve already forgotten about it. So when your pup is doing something bad, use your chosen training technique right away so they have a chance to make the association between the behavior and the correction. Consistent repetition will reinforce what they’ve learned.

Tip 8: Discourage Jumping Right Away

Puppies love to jump up in greeting, and some adult dogs have learned bad habits. When your puppy or dog jumps on a person, don’t reprimand them; just turn your back on them, ignore the behavior and wait until they settle down before giving positive reinforcement. Never encourage jumping behavior by patting or praising your dog when they’re in a “jumping up” position.

Tip 9: Say No to Biting and Nipping 

Instead of scolding your new pet, a great way to discourage your mouthy canine is to pretend you’re in a lot of pain when they bite or nip you — a sharp, loud yell should work. Most dogs are so surprised that they stop immediately.

If verbal cues don’t work, try trading a chew toy for your hand or pant leg. This swap trick can also work when a puppy discovers the joys of chewing on your favorite shoes. They tend to prefer a toy or bone anyway. If all else fails, interrupt the biting behavior and respond by ignoring them.

Tip 10: End Training Sessions on a Positive Note 

Your puppy or dog has worked hard to please you throughout their training. Leave them with lots of praise, a treat, some petting or five minutes of play. This almost guarantees they’ll show up at their next class or training session with their tail wagging, ready to work!

Bonus tip: When your puppy is old enough, think about getting them neutered or spayed. The same goes if you adopt a dog. A neutered or spayed dog might be more docile, less aggressive and more open to successful training.

Poodle Standard puppy breeders for sale near Amawalk, NY Long Island New York

When to groom your puppy at Nationwide Puppy?
Taking your puppy to be groomed for the first time is a celebratory occasion. It’s like your kid’s first haircut, only your kids a little furrier and walks on four legs. The first experience your puppy has at the groomers sets the tone for how they feel about the grooming process for the rest of their life. You will want to make sure they are calm and enjoy the more indulgent sides of pet spa treatments.
The key is to acclimate your puppy. Many of the routines of puppy grooming can be done at home in an environment he’s already accustomed with. A puppy who is familiar with the process is much easier to work with than a pup who’s never had their paws touched. For a puppy, the dog grooming salon can be a scary place. Puppies  have never been on a grooming table, heard clippers, or a loud blow dryer.
A reputable groomer should take a loving approach! Here are some amazing tips to make your puppy’s big day fun, not stressful.
Familiarize Your Puppy Early
We cannot stress this enough. Many times a puppy’s first bath is their first trip to the dog groomers. Even if this is the case pet parents can introduce a few of the stimuli a puppy will experience.
DO handle your Pup’s paws.
Puppies have an instinctual reaction to pull back when people first touch their paws. Initially, they don’t like it. With some gentle coaxing and loving massaging of their paws eventually, puppies begin to see it as any other form of petting. This is important!
When your dog groomer attempts to clip a puppy’s nails, it will be much easier for them to get through the process. Dogs needs to be still as possible in order for groomers to be able to clip the nail without hitting the quick—accidentally making a dog bleed. This can be very traumatic for a puppy. In many cases, a nail dremmel trims down the nail. This is loud. An experienced professional dog groomer will know when a puppy is too uncomfortable to proceed, but when a dog is already used to having their paws handled they are much more relaxed.
Nail clipping is vitally important for dogs. Overgrown nails lead to bad posture, infected ingrown nails, and a torqued spine.
DO handle their ears as puppies.
You will want to gain their trust with humans touching their ears. Another foreign experience for pups is having their ears cleaned. Puppies are still in the stage where the world is new to them. When a stranger goes in prodding around in their ear—they’re entitled to feel uncomfortable.
So, massage your puppies ears when you first take him home. Make sure he knows the feeling of having his ears played with is comforting. The ear cleaning process will feel like any other Tuesday to your pup who’s ready for his first puppy grooming.
Regular Brushing
DO brush your puppy often.
This is the first stage of grooming. Even if your puppy is a breed with a short coat, it is still important to brush their fur every day. Think of your dog’s coat as your own hair. You brush your hair every day to maintain hair length. Combing stimulates the hair follicles and is good for healthy hair.
The same is even more true for your dog. Brushing not only feels good to your dog but it removes hair that is naturally shedding. This will keep your house clean too! Another danger of not brushing a dog regularly is matting. Mats are interlocked hair that develops into painful knots in a dog’s coat. Dogs with thick coats are particularly susceptible to matting and need to be brushed often to eliminate mats from forming.
Love and Patience
A good groomer will most likely want to warm your puppy up to grooming with abbreviated sessions. They might first start out with a bath. The next time you come in, they’ll give them a hair trimming. The idea is to expose the more intense parts of grooming to a puppy slowly. This maintains the puppy’s confidence in the experience. Keeps things short and sweet!
A good groomer will also do their part in positive associates with  the grooming experience. They will use a gentle loving touch and speak softly to your puppy—making sure he feels secure.
What you can do beforehand is make sure your pup is plenty exercised before taking the trip. This will curb their anxiousness. Also, bring their favorite blanket and toys for the car ride. Even traveling in a car is foreign to puppies and you’ll want to take your pup on a few drives without destinations to ensure riding in the car is enjoyable for them.
Give your puppy treats at each stage. When they get in the car and relax, treat time. When you arrive at the dog grooming salon, here’s a treat. This keeps your puppy’s association with the routine positive. This might seem excessive, but you’ll thank yourself later when trips to the groomers are a cordial affair between you and your dog.
Think of visiting dog groomers as a bonding experience between you and your pup. You get to spend some one-on-one time with him. Grooming is essential for a healthy and happy puppy even if they don’t know it yet.
DON’T scold your pup if he’s reluctant to get into the car. This only makes it worse by adding an element of negative reinforcement.
DO follow these methods with all trips, like going to the Veterinarian or dog training school.
When Are Puppies Ready for Grooming?
Part of starting early—getting puppies accustomed to grooming—is making sure their first visit happens promptly. Many parents make the mistake of waiting way too long before taking their pup in for grooming. Pet experts advise taking your pup in before reaching 16-weeks-old. Make sure they have their shots first!
As your puppy first figures out the world, they will ease their way into everything. During the first visit, you can always stay if you think it will ease his anxiousness. You can be a few steps away if your puppy needs you. However, be sure to model calm behavior for your puppy during the first visit if you choose to stay.
Chances are they’ll be totally fine!
This is an important part of dog training in general. When you enter and exit the house, it’s crucial you minimize the emotional intensity of your greetings and departure. When you enter the house, don’t greet your puppy until he is sitting and calm. If you rush to love your dog, this will only excite them. This excitement reinforces bad behaviors like jumping up. Instead, use a routine. Enter the house exhibiting a calm presence and don’t pet your puppy until they are equally as calm.
When leaving do the same. As you leave through the door say something gentle to your dog that reassures them. This guarantees that your exit will not be an emotionally charged goodbye. The same should be done when dropping off for puppy grooming. If you stayed for their initial visit, next time you go in keep your goodbye brief.
Remember your dog groomers are professionals and chose this profession because they are innately attuned with dogs and more than capable of comforting them through the grooming process.
Just as you exit the house, give them a pat on the head and non-emphatically say, “See you see.” Your groomer can take it from here. The relationship between your puppy and the groomer is also vital. Your puppy should learn to be comfortable with the humans grooming him. After a few visits, the bond will develop and your puppy will begin looking forward to being spoiled at the groomers.
This is why it’s important to choose a dog grooming salon you and your puppy are comfortable with.
Be Specific With Your Groomer
Many pet parents have beautiful visions of the style they want for their puppy’s first haircut. Do be specific. Tell your groomer exactly what you want and how you want your dog handled. If you want only their facial fur trimmed back, tell your groomer! If you’re going for a showroom style trimming, try and find a picture to show the dog grooming stylist who will be doing the puppy grooming. Good communication keeps everyone on the same page.
You should also disclose any medical or behavioral issues your dog has. If you’ve noticed your puppy is temperamental about being touched in a certain area tell your groomer. Also if your puppy is on a certain diet let your groomers know this too. Many pet owners are embracing holistic or rotational diets. Many pet grooming shops give treats during grooming and you will want to make sure the treats they provide align with your puppy’s diet.

Poodle Standard Puppies For Sale Near Amawalk-NY

      American Canine Association, Inc.          International Canine Association, Inc.

www.starbreeder.org              www,goodbreeder.org              OFA

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           MARRS Microchip             AAHA.org